What does it mean to be a cash-based practice?

Jehn PT and Wellness is an outpatient cash-based practice that focuses on specialized 1:1 care. I am often asked what it means to be cash-based? 

Cash-based physical therapy refers to a model of practice where patients pay directly for services out of pocket, without involving insurance or third-party payers.

Here are some of the benefits associated with outpatient specialized care through cash based services at Jehn PT and Wellness:

Increased Access to Care: Cash based physical therapy can improve access to treatment for individuals who may have limited or no insurance coverage, high deductibles, or restricted access to in-network providers. Patients receive treatment without the need for insurance approval or referrals, allowing you to seek services directly. KY is a direct access state for physical therapists, therefore making it possible to be seen without a physician's referral, saving both time and money.

Expedited Scheduling and Reduced Wait Times: Traditional insurance-based physical therapy sometimes causes patients to experience delays in scheduling, in turn, facing lengthy wait times to receive treatment. With flexible scheduling options, short wait times, and the  ability to accommodate urgent appointments, Jehn PT and wellness is there when needed. For example, you sprain your ankle or strain your back, you can call and be seen right away for an evaluation and treatment, again, with no referral needed.

Flexible Treatment Options: Cash-based physical therapy often offers more flexible treatment options. Since not constrained by insurance regulations or reimbursement limitations, I have the freedom to create personalized treatment plans, allowing more time with my patients. This flexibility can result in more comprehensive and individualized care.

Longer Treatment Sessions: Insurance based physical therapy typically comes with time restraints or timed visits. However, cash-based physical therapy allows for longer treatment sessions, which in the end is beneficial to you. Extended sessions provide me with ample time to address multiple concerns, thoroughly evaluate the patient, and implement various treatment modalities.

Enhanced Therapist-Patient Relationship: With cash-based physical therapy, I have the opportunity to build stronger relationships with my patients. Again, not bound by insurance restrictions, I can spend more time understanding your goals, addressing concerns, and developing a personalized treatment plan. This close therapeutic alliance can result in better outcomes and your satisfaction.

Focus on Quality of Care: Cash-based physical therapy prioritizes quality of care over quantity. I can allocate more time to each visit and provide one-on-one attention throughout the treatment session. This allows for more hands-on manual therapy, individualized exercise prescription, and comprehensive patient education, which can lead to improved outcomes.

Transparency in Pricing: Cash-based physical therapy typically provides transparent pricing for services. Upfront, cost is discussed, allowing you to make informed decisions regarding your treatment without the uncertainty of insurance coverage, copayments, or deductibles.  It's important to note that cash-based physical therapy may not be suitable or affordable for everyone. I recommend contacting me or your healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment model based on individual needs and circumstances.

I’ve been a licensed clinician since 1997 and have several advanced certifications. I am a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapist, Manual Therapy Certified, Orthopaedic Certified Specialist, Dry Needling Certified, Graston IASTM trained and much more. To schedule an appointment you can go to jehnptandwellness.biz or you can contact me directly jehnptandwellness@gmail.com.